Home » Home Decor Haul – February

Home Decor Haul – February

Happy February everyone! As you know, I have been little by little getting my new house all set up the way I’d like. That means I’ve also been doing quite a few home decor purchases lately! That being, I wanted to share what all I have been buying lately as far as home decor goes.

I wanted to do a home decor haul video last month as well, but it kind of got away from me. If you like seeing this type of video, my plan is to film one at the end of each month. This way it is easy to share with you all my new purchases. That is of course, until my house is fully decorated. Then, I may go ahead and do an entire home tour! That however is a few months away seeing as I have a few design projects coming up.

You can always see what I am up to as far as my home decor goes over on my HomebyLynny instagram.

You can see my little home decor haul in the video below (or on my Youtube), and if you missed my previous Home Tour video be sure to take a look at that as well!


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