Home » Boot for all Calves

Boot for all Calves

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One of the best parts about Fall and Winter is being able to wear boots. For many though it is hard to find a good pair because the calf is either to small or to big. These Fergie boots are perfect if you have that problem.  They have stretch material on the sides that will adjust to your calf size perfectly without making your legs looked like they are trying to be squished into the boot, or like your legs are swimming in your boots.

Fergie Citizen Boot




  1. Jenn Melby

    September 30, 2011 / 10:16 PM

    Thanks for posting about our CITIZEN boots. They can also be purchased on our website at FergieShoes.com! 🙂

  2. September 29, 2011 / 2:56 PM

    You are a hero for posting this! I don’t really have wide calves, but never can wear regular boots. Thank you!

  3. September 26, 2011 / 11:30 AM

    LOVE the grey beauties!

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