Home » Fashion Night Out 2011

Fashion Night Out 2011

Details for this years Fashion Night Out are starting to come in!

Fashion Night Out 2011 will take place on September 8. Online retailers will have the chance to participate as well. These virtual events are great for those without FNO in their area, or for those who would just rather not leave their home.

FNO will take place in the US, UK, Brazil, Australia, China, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Korea, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, and new this year Mexico. The Official list of all participants and events will be out today, so make sure you check their site to see what it going on in your area.

This is a great video explaining a little bit more about how FNO started and what it has become.


Also, Chanel has also unveiled this years FNO nail polish!

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The colors are Blue Rebel, Coco Blue, and Blue Boy. Which one is your favorite?





  1. August 15, 2011 / 3:57 PM

    Love Fashion Night out, had it in NY and now live in Chicago. And the Chanel polishes are all so pretty not sure what I like best until I actually use them. They always have the best colors.


  2. Lissette

    August 15, 2011 / 3:00 PM

    Makes me super excited!!! Can’t wait for Sept.

  3. Monica

    August 15, 2011 / 10:22 AM

    Can’t wait for Fashion’s night out!!!!!!


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