Home » Travel: Rome

Travel: Rome

Last month I was in Europe and wanted to share a few pictures from my trip. Today’s pictures are from Rome. We stayed at the Boscolo Exedra Hotel and while there, did your typical touristy things. Things like riding on the double decker tours, which makes it easy to check out all the sites, the colosseum, and the Vatican museums. We did guided tours of both and highly recommend them on your next visit to Rome. Aside from taking in all the ancient sites, there was plenty or pizza being consumed. My favorite pizza spot had to be a little place called Pinserewhere they had a delicious pizza with provolone, pancetta, and creme of pumpkin. Another one of my favorite pizzas from Rome was a mozzarella and black truffle pizza at Da Franseco. The restaurant was tucked away in a more residential area of Rome, with little bars all around, so it was a nice experience getting a look at the small, but cute, residential streets in an area not full of tourist. Oh, another place I need to mention is a bar that specializes in Italian beers: Bir & Fud. So for all you beer lovers, put it on your list for your next visit to Rome.

Vatican Colosseum-Rome Gelato 

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