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Workout Essentials

Workout EssentialsI have to admit, this winter I did not do much as far as working out. I don’t know what it is about the cold… but it just makes me want to stay cozied up at home away from the cold.  So once spring arrived and the weather started to warm up I was out once again going on my daily jogs. I love spin class, but currently I haven’t been able to go as much as last year since I’m not as close to a location as I was, so I’ve been trying to find new ways to get a workout. 

Here are some of my workout essentials this spring, whether I’m going out for a run or heading to a class. 

1. Shoes: I good pair of shoes for going on walks or runs is key. I just bought a new pair of Nike’s, although mostly gray, I love the bright pink shoe laces and and touch of blue. 

2. Workout Gear: Most of mine is either by Zella from Nordstrom, like this pink sports bra. But I also have a few Under Armour capris that I like. 

3. Body Bugg: This helps keep track of the calories I’ve burned all day. I have been thinking about upgrading to the polar watch since it’s really good for keeping track of calories burned specifically during workouts. 

4. SPF: When working out outdoors, spf is a must whether it is for all over my skin (I use Coola) or on my lips.

5. Water Spray: After a spin class or any other workout class… a spray of spring water will help cool you down! 

6. Tools: I’ve done kettlebell workouts before but this year I started to add jump roping as a new way to incorporate cardio into my workout. 


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